Week of 6 April including the Paschal Triduum

Our live broadcasts for the week commencing 6 April 2020 including the Paschal Triduum are shown below.

Services for the current week may be found here together with information about our live streams.

If you experience any problems with the videos embedded below, please try viewing them here on our Facebook page (you do not need to be a member of Facebook to do this).


A Mass paper for the 2020 Paschal Triduum may be downloaded from here.

Easter Vigil

"Rejoice now, all ye heavenly legions of Angels" The Vicar celebrates the Easter Vigil, as the Church commemorates Our Lord's resurrection from the dead. The vigil readings are read by members of the St Mary's congregation; the psalmody is sung by members of our choir; the homily is the third from Fr Max Bayliss; the organ voluntary is played on the church organ. Come and join us live as we celebrate joy and life coming into the world, and the overthrowing of sin and death.

Posted by St Mary's, Bourne Street on Saturday, 11 April 2020


Solemn Liturgy of the Lord's Passion

"We venerate thy Cross, O Lord, and praise and glorify thy holy Resurrection: for by virtue of thy Cross joy hath come to the whole world." The Vicar celebrates the Solemn Liturgy of the Lord's Passion, with veneration of the Cross. The preachers is Fr Max Bayliss, Chaplain of Queens' College, Cambridge. Starting at 2pm: join us live and pray at the foot of our Lord's Cross.

Posted by St Mary's, Bourne Street on Friday, 10 April 2020


Sung mass of the Lord’s Supper and the Watch until midnight

‘This is my body, which is given for you.’ Fr Sam Korn celebrates the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Maundy Thursday. Fr Max Bayliss, Chaplain of Queens' College, Cambridge, is preaching. The Mass is followed by the Watch until midnight. The mass paper for the whole Triduum can be seen online: https://mcusercontent.com/d8b5589ab3c63081ebcc6790b/files/33dbc612-e101-4d9c-b7bb-1ac2e0101b1c/05_Triduum_b_2020_shorter.pdf

Posted by St Mary's, Bourne Street on Thursday, 9 April 2020


Mass for Holy Wednesday

"The Son of Man is going to his fate, as the scriptures say he will." --- The Vicar celebrates the mass for the Wednesday in Holy Week. He will also preach a short homily. The readings are Isaiah 50.4–9 and Matthew 26.14–25.

Posted by St Mary's, Bourne Street on Wednesday, 8 April 2020


Mass for the Tuesday in Holy Week

Fr Sam Korn, assistant priest, celebrates the mass for Tuesday in Holy Week. He will also give a short homily. The readings are Isaiah 49.1–6 and John 13.21–33,36–38.

Posted by St Mary's, Bourne Street on Tuesday, 7 April 2020


Funeral requiem mass for Ann Maitland, Countess of Lauderdale

The funeral requiem mass for Ann Maitland, Countess of Lauderdale.

Posted by St Mary's, Bourne Street on Tuesday, 7 April 2020


Mass for Monday 6 April

The Vicar celebrates the mass for the Monday of Holy Week. He will also give a short homily during the mass. The readings are Isaiah 42.1–7 and John 12.1–11.

Posted by St Mary's, Bourne Street on Monday, 6 April 2020