
Entrance to the Columbarium
Entrance to the Columbarium
Relic of the True Cross
Relic of the True Cross

The Columbarium was designed by Roderick Gradidge (whose own ashes are interred here) and built in 1999 in a recess called by Goodhart-Rendel 'the Crib' but which does not seem to have had any particular use previously.

There are two columns at the entrance painted with black and gold chevrons and supporting an inscribed frieze. The three walls are faced with mahogany chambers for the ashes of the departed, their names inscribed on the doors, and in the centre is the Relic of the True Cross. The relic is protected by glass engraved by Josephine Harris in memory of Helena Levy, a great benefactor of St Mary’s.

In the tympana of the arches are three panels painted by Anthony Ballantine. The panel on the left takes as its subject The Resurrection and Ascension of Our Lord, that on the right The First and Particular Resurrection of Souls and that in the centre The Last and General Resurrection of the Flesh: the Parousia and the End of Time. The starred ceiling was painted by Christopher Boulter.